I have a confession to make. I went to bed Thursday night without having worked on a drawing for the day. But as I laid back going through my mental list of things I needed to work on the next day, I realized that I had yet to crack open my sketchbook. So I got up, grabbed a gel pen and started making lines. I actually like the what I ended up with that night. A collection of flowing curves and contours that could be the basis for a more complicated piece later on and the satisfaction of getting something in the book and not actually forgetting completely.
So far, this sketchbook is serving two purposes for me. Each page completed is a separate piece of art. The book as a collection is a piece of art, too. But each page is also a way for me to chronicle ideas. To try different subjects and mediums and to become more comfortable with new things. These pages are becoming platforms for firsts--first self portrait, first try with gouache, first time feeling comfortable with colored pencils, and the first time sharing daily art in such a public way.
So here are my sketches this week. (In case you are curious if there were any firsts this week, this was the first time I've ever painted clouds.) Enjoy!
Watercolor and Mechanical Pencil |
Left: Japanese Brush Pen and Colored Pencils Right: Watercolor |
Left: Gelly Roll Pen Right: Gouache |
Colored Pencil |
Colored Pencil, Gouache Background, White Gel Pen |
See you next Monday! (
Catch up here on previous weeks.)
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