Jan 28, 2013

Motivation, Tattoos & Pie

I've got three things on the agenda today.  First of all, last Wednesday was National Pie Day! This is the perfect excuse (and only time of year) for me to make a pie.  Pie is my favorite dessert, and lemon meringue is the best, so that's what I make.  I use this recipe for Mile-High Lemon Meringue Pie from Cook's Country.  This baby takes ALL day to make, which is something I forget every year.  (Note to self: make the pie crust the day before!)  It truly is mile-high meringue. And really, I believe that making meringue is akin to magic.  Conclusion: I can do magic, folks.

I was really excited to use my pie server from this shop! Jessica made this custom pie server for me last year.  Love it!

On another note, I'd like to introduce you to my friend Holly.  She writes at this blog.  We've been friends for ten years now--she was one of my college suite-mates and my bridesmaid!   She shares yummy recipes, DIYs and more.  Back in November, she shared a simple DIY for workout motivation.  I FINALLY made my own workout motivation jar (and NEEDED to have it after all that pie!), and the funds that I save will go toward a tattoo. (More on the tattoo at a later date.)

I used these things and followed her instructions:

Holly uses interchangeable tops for her jar.  Rather than making mine interchangeable, I opted to glue the photo down, glue the lid parts together and brushed Mod Podge over the picture for a pretty sheen.  Let your glue dry, then add the lid to the jar.

So, every workout earns a dollar in the jar.  And, it's a win-win.  I'll be saving money for the tattoo AND toning my buns (and other things too, of course)!

And if building a tattoo fund wasn't enough motivation to work out, I just signed up to do the Color Run in April. It should be noted that I am NOT a runner.  But dammit, I will be.  I'll keep you updated on my progress. 

P.S.  Did you enter my Valentine's Giveaway yet?? 


  1. Yay! Thanks for the shout out. Also, that pie looks amazing. Also, your version of the workout jar is super cute! Also.... Can't wait to see what your tattoo ends up looking like! :)

  2. Ha! You're welcome--thanks for the cute idea!! Also, I love all your 'alsos.' :)

  3. the pie looks so great!!

