Mar 7, 2016

Sketchbook Project: Week 9

Oh this week was hard.  And not because this was a new book.  But alllllll those blank pages can certainly be intimidating! As it turned out, for most days this week I was just uninspired.  Adding to the sketchbook was just another task I needed to finish.  Thankfully though, I was pleased with Friday and Saturday's spreads (the mouse and colored triangles)--I was more enthusiastic those days, so I think I just have more fondness for those pages. I do like the way the last spread turned out as well.  That pen and ink is based on a photo that I took in Amsterdam. Perusing travel albums is definitely a good way for me to spark an idea for a sketchbook entry, plus revisiting favorite places and memories is a great bonus.

Enjoy the pages.  If you'd like, review past weeks here.

Watercolor and Gelly Roll Pen
Left: Micron Pen      Right: Watercolor and Gelly Roll Pen

Prismacolor Colored Pencils

Micron Pen

I hope your week is fab!


  1. Your work is amazing.
    Have you thought about online classes?

    1. I sure have---dreaming up one currently. ;)

  2. Dani, I don't know how many people you're reaching but you surely are an inspiration to all those that witness your endeavour. I once took a picture a day for an entire year looking for moments in life that are inspiring on a small scale day-to-day. The project was a success in many ways but this. You. I've not the talent to draw such beautiful pictures but I do appreciate them. You're ability to continue on each day with wonderously varied techniques, scenes, designs, oh I don't even know all the technical art terms, is simply and wonderfully astonishing and inspiring. Beautiful work and endeavor. <3
