Jan 30, 2014

Worth it.

So, I work with teenagers as part of my zoo job.  Back in grad school, my Master's degree project was implementing a teen volunteer program at the zoo where I work.  I called it ZooTEENS.  We're going on the program's sixth year this summer.

Sometimes this part of my job is really hard.  There have been a few days where I just wanted to throw in the towel.

But every now and then, something happens that makes me realize that it's all worth it.

Like recently, when we opened up the application process, a former ZooTEEN (who has grown too old for the program) posted this on her facebook wall:  "If you love animals, are willing to work hard and not bitch (too much), learn something new every day, and get an awesome experience, I highly recommend that you apply! I wouldn't be where I am today if not for Zoo Teens and of course, Dani Ives."

And then today, I read a local article which featured an interview from another former ZooTEEN turned employee:  "O’Toole says that her time as a volunteer taught her many important life skills. 'I became comfortable approaching and talking to groups of people I didn’t know, learning about ethics and my true calling in life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the ZooTEEN program.' ”

It's moments like this that make me love what I do.

Because even when things get tough, it's worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I'm hoping for a couple of these moments when I start teaching :)
